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  • Documentation version: 0.1

VK.com (former Vkontakte)

VK.com (former Vkontakte) auth service support.


VK.com uses OAuth2 for Authentication.

  • Register a new application at the VK.com API,

  • fill Application Id and Application Secret values in the settings:

  • Add 'social_core.backends.vk.VKOAuth2' into your SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

  • Then you can start using /login/vk-oauth2 in your link href.

  • Also it’s possible to define extra permissions with:


    See the VK.com list of permissions.

OAuth2 Application

To support OAuth2 authentication for VK.com applications:

  • Create your IFrame application at VK.com.

  • In application settings specify your IFrame URL https://mysite.com/complete/vk-app (current default).

  • In application settings specify the first API request. For example:


    See the documentation on available fields.

  • Add 'social_core.backends.vk.VKAppOAuth2' into your SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

  • Fill Application ID and Application Secret settings:

  • Fill user_mode:

    Possible values:
    • 0: there will be no check whether a user connected to your application or not

    • 1: python-social-auth will check is_app_user parameter VK.com sends when user opens application page one time

    • 2: (safest) python-social-auth will check status of user interactively (useful when you have interactive authentication via AJAX)

  • Add a snippet similar to this into your login template:

    <script src="http://vk.com/js/api/xd_connection.js?2" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        VK.init(function() {
                VK.addCallback("onApplicationAdded", requestRights);
                VK.addCallback("onSettingsChanged", onSettingsChanged);
        function startConnect() {
        function requestRights() {
            VK.callMethod('showSettingsBox', 1 + 2); // 1+2 is just an example
        function onSettingsChanged(settings) {
    <a href="#" onclick="startConnect(); return false;">Click to authenticate</a>

To test, launch the server using sudo ./manage.py mysite.com:80 for browser to be able to load it when VK.com calls IFrame URL. Open your VK.com application page via http://vk.com/app<app_id>. Now you are able to connect to application and login automatically after connection when visiting application page.

For more details see authentication for VK.com applications


You can also use VK.com’s own OpenAPI to log in, but you need to provide HTML template with JavaScript code to authenticate, check below for an example.

  • Get an OpenAPI App Id and add it to the settings:


    This app id will be passed to the template as VK_APP_ID.

  • Add 'social_core.backends.vk.VKontakteOpenAPI' into your SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

Snippet example:

<script src="http://vk.com/js/api/openapi.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var vkAppId = {{ VK_APP_ID|default:"null" }};
    if (vkAppId) {
        VK.init({ apiId: vkAppId });
    function authVK () {
        if (!vkAppId) {
            alert ("Please specify VK.com APP ID in your local settings file");
            return false;
        VK.Auth.login(function(response) {
            var params = "";
            if (response.session) {
                params = "first_name=" + encodeURI(response.session.user.first_name) + "&last_name=" + encodeURI(response.session.user.last_name);
                params += "&nickname=" + encodeURI(response.session.user.nickname) + "&id=" + encodeURI(response.session.user.id);
            window.location = "{{ VK_COMPLETE_URL }}?" + params;
        return false;
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="authVK();">Click to authorize</a>