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  • Language: en
  • Documentation version: 0.1


This section describes how to setup the different services provided by Google.

Google OAuth


Google OAuth deprecation Important: OAuth 1.0 was officially deprecated on April 20, 2012, and will be shut down on April 20, 2015. We encourage you to migrate to any of the other protocols.

Google provides Consumer Key and Consumer Secret keys to registered applications, but also allows unregistered application to use their authorization system with, but beware that this method will display a security banner to the user telling that the application is not trusted.

Check Google OAuth and make your choice.

  • fill Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values:


anonymous values will be used if not configured as described in their OAuth reference

  • setup any needed extra scope in:


Google OAuth2

Recently Google launched OAuth2 support following the definition at OAuth2 draft. It works in a similar way to plain OAuth mechanism, but developers must register an application and apply for a set of keys. Check Google OAuth2 document for details.

When creating the application in the Google Console be sure to fill the PRODUCT NAME at API & auth -> Consent screen form.

To enable OAuth2 support:

  • fill Client ID and Client Secret settings, these values can be obtained easily as described on OAuth2 Registering doc:

  • setup any needed extra scope:


Check which applications can be included in their Google Data Protocol Directory

Google+ Sign-In

Google+ Sign In works a lot like OAuth2, but most of the initial work is done by their Javascript which thens calls a defined handler to complete the auth process.

  • To enable the backend create an application using the Google console and following the steps from the official guide. Make sure to enable the Google+ API in the console.

  • Fill in the key settings looking inside the Google console the subsection Credentials inside API & auth:


    SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_PLUS_KEY corresponds to the variable CLIENT ID. SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_PLUS_SECRET corresponds to the variable CLIENT SECRET.

  • Add the sign-in button to your template, you can use the SDK button or add your own and attach the click handler to it (check Google+ Identity Sign-In documentation about it):

    <div id="google-plus-button">Google+ Sign In</div>
  • Add the Javascript snippet in the same template as above:

    <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api:client.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      gapi.load('auth2', function () {
        var auth2;
        auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
          client_id: "<PUT SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_PLUS_KEY HERE>",
          scope: "<PUT BACKEND SCOPE HERE>"
        auth2.then(function () {
          var button = document.getElementById("google-plus-button");
          console.log("User is signed-in in Google+ platform?", auth2.isSignedIn.get() ? "Yes" : "No");
          auth2.attachClickHandler(button, {}, function (googleUser) {
            // Send access-token to backend to finish the authenticate
            // with your application
            var authResponse = googleUser.getAuthResponse();
            var $form;
            var $input;
            $form = $("<form>");
            $form.attr("action", "/complete/google-plus");
            $form.attr("method", "post");
            $input = $("<input>");
            $input.attr("name", "id_token");
            $input.attr("value", authResponse.id_token);
            // Add csrf-token if needed
  • Logging out

    Logging-out can be tricky when using the the platform SDK because it can trigger an automatic sign-in when listening to the user status change. With the method show above, that won’t happen, but if the UI depends more in the SDK values than the backend, then things can get out of sync easilly. To prevent this, the user should be logged-out from Google+ platform too. This can be accomplished by doing:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      gapi.load('auth2', function () {
        var auth2;
        auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
          client_id: "{{ plus_id }}",
          scope: "{{ plus_scope }}"
        auth2.then(function () {
          if (auth2.isSignedIn.get()) {
            $('#logout').on('click', function (event) {
              auth2.signOut().then(function () {
                console.log("Logged out from Google+ platform");
                document.location = "/logout";

Google OpenID

Google OpenID works straightforward, no settings are needed. Domains or emails whitelists can be applied too, check the whitelists settings for details.


As of September 30, 2014, Orkut has been shut down.

User identification

Optional support for static and unique Google Profile ID identifiers instead of using the e-mail address for account association can be enabled with:




depending on the backends in use.

Refresh Tokens

To get an OAuth2 refresh token along with the access token, you must pass an extra argument: access_type=offline. To do this with Google+ sign-in:

      'access_type': 'offline'

Scopes deprecation

Google is deprecating the full-url scopes from Sept 1, 2014 in favor of Google+ API and the recently introduced shorter scopes names. But python-social-auth already introduced the scopes change at e3525187 which was released at v0.1.24.

But, to enable the new scopes the application requires Google+ API to be enabled in the Google console dashboard, the change is quick and quite simple, but if any developer desires to keep using the old scopes, it’s possible with the following settings:

# Google OAuth2 (google-oauth2)

# Google+ SignIn (google-plus)

To ease the change, the old API and scopes is still supported by the application, the new values are the default option but if having troubles supporting them you can default to the old values by defining this setting: