• ru
  • Language: en
  • Documentation version: 7.4.2

API Documentation







DjangoSelect2 handles the initialization of select2 fields automatically. Just include {{ form.media.js }} in your template before the closing body tag. That’s it!

If you insert forms after page load or if you want to handle the initialization yourself, DjangoSelect2 provides a jQuery plugin, replacing and enhancing the Select2 plugin. It will handle both normal and heavy fields. Simply call djangoSelect2(options) on your select fields.:


You can pass see Select2 options if needed:

$('.django-select2').djangoSelect2({placeholder: 'Select an option'});

Please replace all your .select2 invocations with the here provided .djangoSelect2.

Security & Authentication

Security is important. Therefore make sure to read and understand what the security measures in place and their limitations.

Set up a separate cache. If you have a public form that uses a model widget make sure to setup a separate cache database for Select2. An attacker could constantly reload your site and fill up the select2 cache. Having a separate cache allows you to limit the effect to select2 only.

You might want to add a secure select2 JSON endpoint for data you don’t want to be accessible to the general public. Doing so is easy:

class UserSelect2View(LoginRequiredMixin, AutoResponseView):

class UserSelect2WidgetMixin(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['data_view'] = 'user-select2-view'
        super(UserSelect2WidgetMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class MySecretWidget(UserSelect2WidgetMixin, ModelSelect2Widget):
    model = MySecretModel
    search_fields = ['title__icontains']