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Admin Integration

To allow viewing previous model versions on the Django admin site, inherit from the simple_history.admin.SimpleHistoryAdmin class when registering your model with the admin site.

This will replace the history object page on the admin site and allow viewing and reverting to previous model versions. Changes made in admin change forms will also accurately note the user who made the change.


Clicking on an object presents the option to revert to that version of the object.


(The object is reverted to the selected state)


Reversions like this are added to the history.


An example of admin integration for the Poll and Choice models:

from django.contrib import admin
from simple_history.admin import SimpleHistoryAdmin
from .models import Poll, Choice

admin.site.register(Poll, SimpleHistoryAdmin)
admin.site.register(Choice, SimpleHistoryAdmin)

Changing a history-tracked model from the admin interface will automatically record the user who made the change (see User Tracking).

Displaying custom columns in the admin history list view

By default, the history log displays one line per change containing

  • a link to the detail of the object at that point in time

  • the date and time the object was changed

  • a comment corresponding to the change

  • the author of the change

You can add other columns (for example the object’s status to see how it evolved) by adding a history_list_display array of fields to the admin class

from django.contrib import admin
from simple_history.admin import SimpleHistoryAdmin
from .models import Poll, Choice

class PollHistoryAdmin(SimpleHistoryAdmin):
    list_display = ["id", "name", "status"]
    history_list_display = ["status"]
    search_fields = ['name', 'user__username']

admin.site.register(Poll, PollHistoryAdmin)
admin.site.register(Choice, SimpleHistoryAdmin)

Disabling the option to revert an object

By default, an object can be reverted to its previous version. To disable this option update your settings with the following:


When SIMPLE_HISTORY_REVERT_DISABLED is set to True, the revert button is removed from the form.
